Tuesday, November 29, 2011
time warp
So, I don't know what your calendar looks like--but mine is at capacity and resembles a giant game of Jenga.
I find humor in the fact that at 5 days past Thanksgiving, we're already making plans for our first Christmas party on Friday, buying Christmas presents and baking cookies.
Over the next few days I plan to get back into the groove of regular posts, sharing with you our many recent adventures, re-establising weekly posts like What to Wear Wednesdays and The Well Equipped Home.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
let me tell you a story.
The year? 1994. The place? Jenison Junior High.
The summer before entering junior high was filled with non-stop Ace of Base (I saw the sign), Boyz II Men (I'll make love to you), and All-4-One (I swear). It was as much about the music of the summer as it was about the friends I spent each day and night with. We daydreamed about the new 'big' school--about whether we'd get lost--and most importantly, if we'd be able to get our lockers open.
All 85 pounds of me was determined to take the school by storm. I planned my first day of school outfit for weeks. I knew who I'd walk to school with--and what I'd eat for lunch.
The first few weeks of school far exceeded my expectations. It was 'like, so cool!' meeting new friends, and decorating the inside of my locker.
Then something horrible happened. Something that irrevocably changed my junior high experience forever: cheerleading tryouts.
It sounded innocent enough--and all my friends were doing it. I didn't let the simple fact that I could not clap in rhythm, that I had no idea what a herkie was, or that I would rather cry than do the splits stop me, I went ahead and tried out.
Well, you know how this goes. I didn't make the team. My friends did. This in itself would have been bad enough, except for the fact that this was also the week that I had run for student government--and had not been elected.
It was a no-good, very-bad week. It was a week that I can still, 15 years later recall the raw emotion. I can remember questioning how I would go on--how I would face the humiliation that I felt burn in my cheeks as I had to face my peers in the hallway.
That week in 1994 didn't kill me--and I'm sure that this no-good, very-bad week won't either. My exterior may have changed, but on the inside, it seems as though I'm still that 13 year old girl that just wants to be accepted.
The summer before entering junior high was filled with non-stop Ace of Base (I saw the sign), Boyz II Men (I'll make love to you), and All-4-One (I swear). It was as much about the music of the summer as it was about the friends I spent each day and night with. We daydreamed about the new 'big' school--about whether we'd get lost--and most importantly, if we'd be able to get our lockers open.
All 85 pounds of me was determined to take the school by storm. I planned my first day of school outfit for weeks. I knew who I'd walk to school with--and what I'd eat for lunch.
The first few weeks of school far exceeded my expectations. It was 'like, so cool!' meeting new friends, and decorating the inside of my locker.
Then something horrible happened. Something that irrevocably changed my junior high experience forever: cheerleading tryouts.
It sounded innocent enough--and all my friends were doing it. I didn't let the simple fact that I could not clap in rhythm, that I had no idea what a herkie was, or that I would rather cry than do the splits stop me, I went ahead and tried out.
Well, you know how this goes. I didn't make the team. My friends did. This in itself would have been bad enough, except for the fact that this was also the week that I had run for student government--and had not been elected.
It was a no-good, very-bad week. It was a week that I can still, 15 years later recall the raw emotion. I can remember questioning how I would go on--how I would face the humiliation that I felt burn in my cheeks as I had to face my peers in the hallway.
That week in 1994 didn't kill me--and I'm sure that this no-good, very-bad week won't either. My exterior may have changed, but on the inside, it seems as though I'm still that 13 year old girl that just wants to be accepted.
Friday, November 11, 2011
let's tame that fro!
My little Rapunzel got her ends trimmed today. Thankfully, we managed to escape the salon without the addition of feathers or tinsel (tinsel, really?). I can tell adolescence is going to be an adventure, as she is all too comfortable with being in the salon chair.
a well equipped home: kitchen
My kitchen is the running joke between my sister, my mom and myself. I have a well-equipped kitchen, mainly because I believe you can be as successful as you are prepared. However, there are also many gadgets and gizmos that see the outside of a drawer scant two times a year (like the corn cob scraper I just had to have!).
However, there are some kitchen tools that I can't imagine doing life without. For the next few Fridays during the hustle and bustle of this busy cooking & baking season, I'll be sharing some of my most favorite tools with you.
My all time, number one, most used kitchen tool: The KitchenAid Mixer. It has a designated spot on my counter, is rarely wiped clean, and is used almost every day.
Here's what I would buy if I were in the market today:
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The KitcnAid Deluxe Edition 5Qt Mixer from QVC.com |
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The flex edge beater is new! and, I want one! |
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Best of all, with a glass bowl--you can put it directly in the microwave! and, it has the measurements printed right on the side. Great engineering. |
If you're interested in picking up this mixer and all the beaters & hooks for a great price (more than a $100 OFF!), click here. If my mixer and I didn't have such a sweet history, I would be getting myself one!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
let's talk tights.
So listen. I'm as big of a fan of leggings as the next girl. I understand that there's nothing more comfortable--or convenient than to throw on a pair of leggings (or jeggings), pull on a pair of boots and get on to the business of life.
But, seriously. Or, should I say: butt seriously. I find women have become a little too comfortable in leggings. When did it become ok to not wear a top or tunic long enough to cover most--or part--of your backside?
Because, honestly, I want to be happy that you're super comfy in your abercrombie sweater, see thru leggings, and Uggs, but when I have to stand in line behind you at the grocery--it just makes me want to punch you (or cry).
With that said, look at all these ah-mah-zing printed tights! I don't think it would take that much more effort to pull on a skirt, tights and boots.
And the extra effort would be worth having your ass-ets properly covered (and not having to worry about me punching you at the grocery store).
What to wear Wednesday: Mini-Me
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I can just see my little mini-me running around on Christmas Eve in this uber-glam outfit! Unfortunately for her, her daddy reads this blog.
Here's the breakdown:
Girls' shimmer trim sweater dress: JCrew $128 (link here)
Tissue oxford schoolhouse shirt: JCrew $44 (link here)
Glitter bow ballet flats: JCrew $58 (link here)
Cozy cable leggings: Lands' $14.50 (link here)
Starry night bag: JCrew $50 (link here)
Jewel headband: Lands' End $14.50 (link here)
Pleated pocket coat: Janie & Jack $99 (link here)
The grand total: $408.00
What to wear Wednesday: Holiday Home Edition
There's nothing I love more than anticipating the warmth of decorating my home for Christmas. I love the year-long debate of where the tree will be put, hanging stockings, getting out the advent calendar and retelling the Christmas story. I savor wrapping each gift, listening to the cheery music and spending time with those I love most.
Here's the breakdown of some of the things I like best for the upcoming Christmas season.
Martha Stewart three Christmas wreaths on red ribbon: Grandin Road $129 (link here)
Battery operated holly & berry greenery collection: Grandin Road $149/$79 (link here)
Hand knitted sock garland: Sundance Catalog $48 (link here)
Knit stocking lumbar pillow cover: Pottery Barn $49 (link here)
Jeweled wreath embroidered pillow: Pottery Barn $45 (link here)
Poinsettia decorative pillow: Pottery Barn $29 (link here)
Flatware stocking, set of 4: Pottery Barn $29 (link here)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
So I write a blog and that makes me a....
proud mom?
that-annoying-girl-with-all-the-pictures-that can't-stop-bragging-on-her-kid?
Thirty. 3-0. Yes, I am now in my thirties. As in no longer in my young, stupid, and accident-prone twenties. For the last five years, when asked my age, I have said without even a hint of hesitation, "almost thirty."
I just knew there was something about thirty. You're taken more seriously in professional arenas. You're more confident in who you are, not spending so much time and energy being consumed with being who you think others want you to be, but instead focusing all that energy on just being you.
Now that I find myself actually bearing this magical age, I have found myself pondering the age old question:
What do I want be when I grow up?
I know with certainty some of the careers or professions that have been unequivocally ruled out, like teaching. If you think I'm bluffing, reading this post or this post will help you know your kids deserve better. Much better.
There have also been brief professional stints that have provided great clarity as to my inability to be successful in certain fields. Like my internship in sports marketing. I can't figure out what went wrong there--I have no interest in sports, I find people who sweat repulsive, and was attempting to market a team headlong in financial crisis.
Or, the time I was managing the day to day banking and HR for Hobby Lobby. Yes, this job did involve math. More addition that I could manage on my fingers and toes, which meant it easily could have been disastrous. Not only was the math a major issue in this position, but seeing HR issues in black in white was a challenge for a person who views life in shades of gray. Couple that with concepts like 401K investing, profit sharing, Health Insurance Enrollment, not good. I'm pretty sure there are still people in central Indiana wondering where their money has been going each pay period.
Sadly, there are more. But, I will spare you the gruesome details. (Like lifeguard, GAP worker, reading mentor, door-to-door salesperson.)
As Griffin and I have talked about what the future holds, I'm not totally sure. But with the prompting of those who (claim to) love me, I'm thinking about beginning to work on writing a book.
Yes, I said it. Writing a book. It makes it even scarier to put that out to the world--but it seems saying it out loud for the world to hear makes it a little bit more real.
So, we'll see. This may fall into the category of jobs I do not want to repeat in a short week's time. I'll keep you posted.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Flashback Friday.
Schaeffer Jo' at her first birthday breakfast
Schaeffer's second birthday party (and Eli's first birthday party)
Schaeffer's third birthday breakfast--the last one at 708 Wayne house
and this year's party: birthday
number four (!) at Cracker Barrel
After spending the day with my parents and watching my dad in pain while recovering from surgery, I'm feeling wistful for the past and hopeful for the future. I can't help but remember some of our sweetest days together, Schaeffer's birthday breakfasts.
Even more than a quick recovery--which would be wonderful, I'm praying for patience through the process, for extra doses of grace and love, and for God to reveal Himself in very real ways to my family though the healing process.
I love you mom & dad--thanks for sharing today with me!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Ten of my favorite frivolous things!
#1. My dishwasher. No, this is not actually my dishwasher (that would require me getting off the couch, getting out the camera, taking a 'decent' picture, etc, etc.) I found this beauty in google images. But, add a few dents & dings, it's a dead-ringer for my little piece of heaven. She may not be much to look at, but she gets the dishes clean--and that's really all I'm asking for.
#2. Ruby, my reliable and trustworthy steed. (Otherwise known as my red Toyota Camry). Again, this is not actually Ruby--but this is her twin sister. Except, I'm guessing this car probably doesn't smell like french fries, does not have a backseat full of a child's rock garden, and hasn't seen 87,000 memorable miles of fun.
#3. DVR. Yes, I said it. DVR. I've lived without it, I try not to talk about it.
#4. Just for the taste of it! And because if I don't have it, things in my life quickly go from good to thermonuclear. Not pretty. At all.
#5. My lifeline, the reason I have carpal tunnel, the one thing I haven't lost in two years: my iPhone. Yes, much to my husband's total shock (and delight?) this is the one technological device that I have been able to use on a daily basis and not totally destroy. It's almost part of our family.
#6. My vice. Starbucks venti non-fat iced chai. So good--so worth the $4.19.
#7. Yes, usa. I know, you're thinking, wait--are there even shows are usa? Yes! We can't get enough of Psych, Royal Pains, Burn Notice and White Collar. Our favorite line-ups are all found on usa.
#8. Autumn Wreath: Yankee Candle. Nothing makes me want to snuggle into fall-time and drink cider like the smell of this candle burning.
#9. Pintrest. Oh sweet Pintrest. There's no way I'd rather spend five minutes or five hours than Pintrest.
#10. Siracha. A day without Siracha--a sad day indeed. I can hardly imagine anything that wouldn't taste better with a little Siracha--oh to that spicy garlicky sauce... yum.
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