(I think her love for Starbucks began in the womb)

Two-fisting it--doughnut & Starbucks. Perfect

Before the first bite.
"Eye" see you.

Half-way gone.

And, she's done. Woah, big eater.

Part 2: Momma Bear.

First bite: oh so good.

Does my bite pattern look ok? Suddenly I feel self-concious my teeth.
My affinity for doughnuts is well documented. I am particular, and some do not past the test (ehm, duncan doughnuts). I do not prefer raised doughnuts--unless of course, they've been mercilessly stuffed with creme filling.
My love for the doughnut has come to a fever-pitch now that we live in such close proximity to (the demon-possessed) Martin's Supermarket, which boasts some of the best fried dough around. Yum-O. And, just to complicate things, the doughnut case is only 7 steps from Starbucks.
Martin's: you're killing me. And my dream of ever wearing a swimsuit again.