Schaeffer spying out the apples...

Our first apple picked

Schaeffer found one at just her height. Pulling & yanking...

She GOT it!

Schaeffer Jo & Kate with our 'bounty' of apples-a FULL 1/2 bushel

Griffin & Schaeffer Jo (making a VERY funny face)

Two worker bees carrying our HEAVY bag of apples to the car
I love fall time. It hasn't mattered where we're living, after we celebrate my mom's birthday (the official beginning to autumn), it is a proverbial fall-fest at our home. From September through Thanksgiving. You're getting the picture.
In light of this truth, today we went apple picking as a family. It was a overcast & blustery, but the apples wouldn't wait.
We had a GREAT time. I mean, memory making, great time. It was sweet for me, as mom, to watch Griffin and Schaeffer walk together, explore together, talk about God together.
Griffin, served as our official 'apple guide', knowing which types of apples to pick & what to look for ripeness. I suppose this is the perk of working many hours at an apple farm as a teen.
The best part? Now SJ and I can start baking! With every apple picked I couldn't help but think about what delicious baked good it could be transformed into: carmel apple cinnamon rolls, spice breads, crisp & cobblers, the perfect galette.
What a dreamy day. There are times when you just feel overwhelmed by God's goodness, mercy and faithfulness. Our family has been so blessed-I am so grateful.
"How exquisite your love, O God! How eager we are to run under your wings, To eat our fill at the banquet you spread as you fill our tankards with Eden spring water. You're a fountain of cascading light, and you open our eyes to light." Ps. 36:7-9 MSG