Friday, December 31, 2010
Welcome, 2011!
Photographic Evidence// Fun was had!
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day!

Schaeffer Jo putting out cookies & chocolate milk for Santa / carrots for the reindeer

Our stockings were 'laid' by the fireplace with care
Santa still found us @ MeMa & Papa's ski condo
Tobi opening his firetruck Christmas morning

Lizzie & TinkerBell from Santa

Minnie Mouse suitcase for our Disney trip!
Ott Christmas 2010

Christmas hugs & kisses
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree
We're so blessed as a family--when I take pause to remember God's goodness to us, His great faithfulness and his abundant provision--there is no response but gratitude.
I wanted to give my (little) family the privilege of enjoying the true meaning of Christmas, and knew that getting the bulk of our shopping done early would be the only way. It was strange to have the majority of our gifts purchased, wrapped and under the tree by the end of the first week of December.
All of this said because nearly every day after the presents landed under the tree, we had a count-down to 'Christmas with Eli'. Schaeffer would get all of her presents out from under the tree, put them in a line, and repeat with all of Eli's gifts.
It is such a sweet gift to my heart as a mom to watch Eli and Schaeffer Jo be so much more than just cousins, but also best friends. Their love for each other is evident and it is great fun to watch them play together.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas cookies @ GG's

Schaeffer Jo // Fashion-ista

Peeking at the beautiful Christmas candles at GG's house

Each December, one day is set aside to mix, roll and bake traditional cut-out cookies with Great Grandma Jean. Everything is homemade, except the sprinkles, and it is a labor of love for those we love.
It is one of my most favorite days of the year. As a child I didn't possess the sweet relationship that a tenderhearted and affectionate grandma can yield, which causes me to treasure each day spent together with my beloved Grandma Jean.
Our day begins with coffee, talking, buttery toast. Our 'cookie plan' is hatched, and we dive right in on our day's work. This year when all rolling, cutting, baking and icing was done, our yield was 15 dozen. Just me, Grandma Jean (87 years young!) a hand mixer and 15 dozen cookies.
Schaeffer Jo's Preschool Christmas Program
Mrs. Wodarcyzk reading Schaeffer Jo's class the story: Where Do Snowmen Come From?
With arguably the largest preschool posse' every seen, SJ couldn't contain her joy
both MeMas, both Papa, Griffin & I were all there for the big performance

Not even glitter in her eyes would steal her excitement!
"Hey, Hey, Hey, Santa's Coming from the Sky"
I'm not sure who would think that a three year old is capable of keeping an exciting secret like a Christmas performance, but needless to say, Griffin and I had a pretty good idea that there would be singing and a present--as she had told us every four minutes she was awake for approximately a month.
We had personally memorized all the songs they were singing--due to the incessant repetition--and knew all the details of the 'top secret' present (and card!) that she had hand-crafted.
Nonetheless, when Christmas program day rolled around, you couldn't have paid me to be anywhere else but crammed into that tiny classroom like a sardine. There's no denying the fact that SJ is a tremendously gifted firstborn-as she carried the entire class' rendition of Santa's coming to town (said like a true mother).
I'm thankful that all the grandparents were there with Griffin and me--it's a memory I'm so happy to share.
Merry Christmas!
Emma & Schaeffer Jo's Gingerbread house

working on the roof

putting the wreath over the front door
Earlier this week Schaeffer Jo and I had the great fun of having Emma in our home for the morning. The girls sweetly worked together to beautify their gingerbread house and made lovely Christmas ornaments.
The picture that isn't here--the one that will forever be in my mind--is of the two if them jammed in the bucket of the cart at JoAnn's. Too sweet.
Enjoy the pictures from our very fun morning together.
Introducing Hazel Ruth Austin!
Hello, love!
A true thing of beauty: a Le Creuset enameled dutch oven

My first batch of toffee in the 'new & glorious' pan
I would like to begin this post with this statement: there will be no pictures, comments or any content regarding Schaeffer now or in the duration of this post. If this is the only reason you (mom, dad, griffin) read my blog, click on to the next post. Thank you.
I'm in love with my Le Creuset. It is beyond a pot. It is a super-pot. It is something I want to use all the time, every day, never ever put away. Sleep in, if I could.
That's all.
Making Cranberries!

Making Cranberries with Grandma Jean (and Aunt Gayle who was noticably absent this year) has become a treasured tradition in our family). What exactly are we making, you ask?
It is a cranberry, apple and orange relish that is put through and old-fashioned grinder and has sugar added to be eaten alongside Turkey on Thanksgiving day. The Otts are crazy for it. Specifically my father-in-law. This and dill pickles. But, that's another story.
Anyway, so, this is the first year that Schaeffer has been tall enough and strong enough to do the crank--and while she was occasionally distracted by her shiny red tricycle that also resides in the basement--she enjoyed helping and had a great time.
Luminary Festival in Saint Joe

Griffin & Schaeffer Jo on the horse-drawn trolly

Looking at the lights on the bluff
Riding the trolly on Wednesdays in the summer after the brown bag concerts, bringing Annie-the horse-carrots, is one of our favorite things.
But, riding the trolly in winter coats, sipping hot chocolate, and popping in and out of shops decorated for Christmas is extra special. These are all the reasons that going downtown for Luminary Festival has become a tradition in our family--we don't mind braving the cold when we know a delicious cup of South Bend Chocolate Cafe hot chocolate is in our future.
Magical nights.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Trick or Treat! Baroda Style.

SJ charging in to check out the treats at the Fire House
You can tell where her daddy hangs his hat
Sweet picture of my honey & my gal
First stop on our 'treat trail' was
Grandma Jean's house--I'm not sure who is happier

Big smiles from happy hearts
Enjoy the glimpses of the sweet memories that we've made recently. While it may appear that I've forgotten entirely that the purpose of a blog is the dialogue of a 'web log', I promise I haven't--and with my next post there will actually be some WORDS.
I know, call me crazy.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Trick or Treat!
My little TinkerBell at the carousel today

Schaeffer looking especially 'TinkerBell-esk'

Schaeffer, modeling her costume for the first time
before her school party on Thursday

Griffin & SJ
Cinderella (Ellee) & Tink (Schaeffer Jo)
What a great day we had as a family! We played together around home--then rested before our big adventure. We (along with the rest of Saint Joe) headed down to the carousel and kid's museum for the free (!) rides and trick-or-treating. Although it was mobbed, Schaeffer--and the kids we were with--still had a great time.
In addition to the fun activities of the day, it was great to be together with friends (and their kids). I feel tremendously blessed to see the beginnings of a true community of friends--both for myself and Griffin, and for Schaeffer. It is my heart's desire for me and my daughter to have a safe place to call home with other believers.
Enjoy the sweet pictures of Schaeffer Jo--we're trick-or-treating & going to a local church for a harvest party tomorrow evening, so I'm sure there'll be more to come.
Happy Autumn!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
gratitude is an attitude
The troops came down from Grand Rapids today to celebrate my birthday. We had planned to go to the ZooBoo!, but had to cancel from the forecasted rain.
We've got a lot going on in the family right now--my mom is scheduled for her third knee surgery (in as many years) on November 17th, for which we're hopeful will be less invasive than the last two.
Nikki & Josh (my sister & brother-in-law) are scheduled for a C-section to deliver their second baby on December 14th. They're expecting a girl, my second niece! It's exciting to watch our family grow--and to enjoy the privileges of being an Auntie.
With that said, it is wonderful to be together--but there is an ever-present under current of anxiety. I'm anxious for my mom's surgery day--for the outcome--and for the constant question of 'will this time work?'. I'm anxious for my sister, for the birth, the baby, and their transition into a family of four.
So many sweet moments can be so overshadowed by worry--and I don't want to let anxiety be the lord of my life. I want to choose to rely on the Sovereign One, the faithful God who in control of the future.
"If God hadn't been there for me, I never would have made it. The minute I said, "I'm slipping, I'm falling" your love, God, took hold and held me fast. When I was upset and beside myself, you calmed me down and cheered me up." Psalm 94:18MSG
Saturday, October 23, 2010
We've been busy making memories!

Schaeffer Jo helping 'rake' leaves
how much weight can our wheelbarrow hold?

Griffin & his big-girl helper

Schaeffer building up her muscles to go
'skeeting' this winter

Great Grandma Pat & Schaeffer Jo loading up the
freshly picked apples

Three of us apple-pickin' girls
The Ott women with Aunt Pam @ Stacy & Adam's wedding
Our days have been jam-packed with fun! Grandma Pat (Debbie's mother) is in town from California. We've been spending lots of time together and have been making the most of autumn.
The pictures above don't do justice to the fun experience we had on Wednesday--we went out to the Sinner fruit farm in Glendora, picked apples & made fresh cider. It was wonderful to be together, and a great way to celebrate Creation with such a unique experience.
Enjoy the pictures, we'll keep making memories & sharing our love with you.
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