Today, at our Teacher Tea, Mrs. Wodarczyk (Schaeffer's teacher) said something profound. As we were saying our goodbyes, she said, "We need more kids like you Schaeffer Jo"; to which SJ replied, "Sorry, I'm the only Schaeffer Jo in town." Could there be a more true statement?
Raising an, ehm, gifted, child can become a cycle of expectation. A cycle that goes something like this:
Achieve. Celebrate accomplishment (call girlfriends, post on fb). Push child to work hard-er. Nag. Achieve. Celebrate accomplishment (repeat, repeat, repeat).
It may also resemble this:
Go to a solid elementary school. Become involved in intellectual and physical extra-circular activities. Succeed in being placed in the 'gifted & talented' programs. Continue to achieve exemplary grades throughout middle school--after all, this is the foundation for high school. Develop a solid core of friendships, pursue skill in athletics, and gain a position in student council. Advance to high school. Honor role, Honor Society and Homecoming Court--the 3H's of success. Also, obtain varsity status in chosen sport and early-acceptance into Ivy League school. Achieve in college. Fight for the best internship placements. Rush for the 'pretty girl' soriety. Graduate with honors at the top of your class.
It could go on and on. What is the real goal in all of this? Is it self-betterment? To best accomplish God's plan for her life? Or, is it to make money?
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