Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Birthday, Grandma Jean!

 Debbie set the tables so beautifully

 Grandma greeting her friends, both long-time and new

Grandma praying before our meal

Grandma Jean and Doug (with Schaeffer on the flute) signing old-time show tunes

Stacy (holding Jane) and Sara (holding Hattie)

 Grandma blowing our her candles

 Grandma and her BSF buddies: Bertha, Gert and Frankie

 Adam, Stacy, Hattie and Grandma

 Grandma and her life-long friend Nadine

 Sara, Scott, Eli, Jane and Grandma

 Grandma and her great-grandkids


 The whole family

 Grandma's kids: Gayle, Doug & Deb

Myself, Griffin, Schaeffer Jo & Grandma

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